IN HISTORY For You to Land
Your Dream Job Now in 2025!

The professional fulfillment you want, the salary you want... the quality time with family you want, is… JUST ONE JOB AWAY

Take Advantage NOW of the 2025 SUPER DISCOUNT


Let us help you land your dream job faster, even if you're not the best candidate.

This offer will end when the countdown reaches zero. Get

My Brave New Job now with a 40% discount.

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including a Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

An open letter from our CEO: Change your career forever!
Marco Enes

By: Marco Enes

What does "My Brave New Job" mean to you…?

For each person, it’s different...

Some are stuck in a job they hate and are trying to get out, or they feel stagnant in their current company and see no prospect for career growth.

Others are unemployed and tired of receiving NOs from companies and recruiters, unable to find good opportunities in the market...

...bills are piling up, 2025 has already started, and your new job hasn't?

And others are in their PRIME AGE, already over 40, but companies keep giving opportunities to the younger ones, leaving them frustrated; all they see are bad jobs with low salaries... know you can do a GREAT job (you have experience and qualifications), you just need the OPPORTUNITY that will make you wake up every day with a sparkle in your eye and help you make an impact in the world!

Before I share my goal with My Brave New Job, let me ask you a few questions…

Do you want to change jobs but HAVE NO IDEA where to start?

Have you sent your resume everywhere but NO GOOD job has come your way?

Are you struggling to find GOOD opportunities in the market, only finding bad jobs with low salaries?

Are you employed but, for some reason, feel stuck?

Do you have experience and qualifications but can’t showcase your FULL VALUE to companies, losing the position to younger candidates?

Do you want direct, real-time access to career placement experts who can help with your resume, LinkedIn, networking, interview strategies, and ANY questions you may have?

Are you looking for your dream job that will give you professional fulfillment

and career growth?

Check all the questions
you answer YES to!

If You Answered YES To ANY Of The Questions Above, I Invite You To Learn About "My Brave New Job" And Change Your Career Forever!

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Here’s how My Brave
New Job works…

My Brave New Job costs $97.

ONLY on this page, you have been selected to receive the special NEW YEAR deal and get the entire online training for just $57.

OUR MISSION is to help as many people as possible land their dream jobs. This is what drives our company.

We are charging ONLY $57 for a LIMITED time, just to cover our company’s operating costs so we can continue to impact even more people worldwide. Does that seem fair to you?

For just a small investment of
$57, you’ll get all of this:

✅My Brave New Job Complete Training with updated job placement strategies (value $97)

✅30 best resumes of people who got jobs using this method (priceless)

✅The most recruiter-approved resume template - tested by over 20,000 candidates worldwide (value $17)

✅Receive our Sniper® Strategy Ebook with practical exercises (value $57)

✅An Ebook with 63+ Chat GPT commands for AI to write the perfect resume and LinkedIn for you (value $17)

✅Personalized email support for 90 days (priceless)

✅Bonus: Full Resume and LinkedIn Review personalized by a real HR expert (value $97)

✅Bonus: Job Placement Accelerators - tools to assist you in every step of your dream job search (value $57)

Total value: $342

This OPPORTUNITY is available TODAY ONLY with a 40% DISCOUNT and these

AMAZING Bonuses.

Your professional fulfillment is JUST ONE JOB AWAY, and I can help you achieve it faster because I’ve already helped over 2,000 people worldwide land their dream job.
(I stopped counting at 2,000)

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

Do you accept my help and my team's support in your job search?

Need more information before making your decision?

Video lessons + downloadable materials + individual email support

Pre-written phrases to charm. Know exactly what to write on

your CV.

You’ll get the 10 steps of the Diamond Formula to write the BEST resume of your life using the qualifications you already have.

Let me explain all the amazing things you’ll receive when you get My Brave New Job today!

Your professional fulfillment is just “one job away”...

My Brave New Job is the only method that creates a competitive advantage by using what you already have to become the most valuable candidate for companies. They’ll have no choice but to hire you.

Step-by-step guide to EVERYTHING you need to land your best job. Straight to the point, no fluff.

Magic Resume

Use the LinkedIn Bot to automatically receive interview invitations.

In the LinkedIn module, we’ll show you how to set up the LinkedIn Bot to search for the ideal job for you 24/7. As soon as a recruiter opens a vacancy that matches your profile, the bot will recommend you to the recruiter instantly.

LinkedIn on autopilot

Learn the exact messages to send via email and LinkedIn to people who can refer you for positions in their companies.

In the networking module, I’ll show you message templates to send via email and LinkedIn to people who can refer you to job openings in their companies—without feeling embarrassed or like you're being a bother.

Special networking

Learn what to say to get hired even if you’re not the best candidate.

If you want to ace the interview, you need to know how to deliver “sniper” answers for each question.

This will leave any interviewer speechless, and the company will want to hire you as soon as possible to avoid losing you to another company.

Straight-line interview

And now, you must be wondering: after acquiring My Brave New Job, how long will it take for me to land my dream job?

What I want to show is that with the My Brave New Job method, anyone with even just half the qualifications a job requires can get hired quickly.

How fast?

For Ana Paula, it was less than 1 month.

For Afonso, it took just 10 days after

he finished his resume.

But you need to see what happened with Neilton Araújo.

For Douglas, it was also in less

than 24 hours.

Fabiana also told me:

But with André, it wasn't as quick. On the same day he sent his resume, he already had the interview, but he said the whole process took 3 weeks. This, after he'd been job hunting for

11 months.

You can feel her happiness, right?

But don't be fooled by these results. There's a lot of hard work behind the scenes — mine, my team's, and our students' — to get hired so quickly.

We take great pride in our success stories because there's a lot of effort behind what might seem easy.

This could also be your result in the next few days after applying the My Brave New Job method.

And now, I have a
mission for you...

Your mission is to take action, join My Brave New Job, and complete all the tasks you’re given, every day, for the next few weeks.

Yes, you will roll up your sleeves and put everything I propose in the methodology into practice to land your dream job.

There will be tasks...

In the next 7 days, I GUARANTEE that your NEW resume will be flawless...

Your LinkedIn will be completely revamped, and you'll already notice an increase in views...

Depending on your case, within 24 hours, you could be receiving interview invitations for amazing jobs, just like some of our students did.

Are you up for it?

I GUARANTEE that you will no longer be alone in your search for your dream job...

I know how stressful and frustrating it can be — I went through it myself back in 2010 when I found myself unemployed...

From there, I developed the My Brave New Job methodology, and today we have over 20,000 students worldwide!

I will give you my expertise, my methodology, and my team will be 100% available to you...

We’ll be a team, I’ll guide you every step of the way, and all you’ll need to do is execute everything I tell you...

We’ll only stop when you get your YES, and I’ll celebrate with you and my team when I receive your testimonial that you’ve landed your DREAM JOB!

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

Receive these AMAZING BONUSES...

When you sign up for My Brave New Job today…

Complete Resume and
LinkedIn Review

Have your Resume and LinkedIn Profile reviewed by a Professional HR Recruiter and find out what’s missing for you to get hired.

How does the Resume and LinkedIn Review work?

As soon as you sign up for My Brave New Job today, you will receive an email and a WhatsApp message with all the instructions to submit your Resume and LinkedIn profile for review.

Within 72 hours, we’ll get back to you with our complete analysis, including all the necessary adjustments you need to make to your Resume and LinkedIn profile.

We’ll send you a full report with a detailed review of each section of your resume and LinkedIn profile.

You’ll be informed of what needs to be adjusted, along with templates for each section.

Done! With your Resume and LinkedIn profile adjusted according to our recommendations, all you have to do is send them to the jobs you’re interested in and wait for interview invites to start arriving in your email, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn.

Job Placement Accelerators

These are exclusive tools and materials you’ll only find inside My Brave New Job, where we apply our methodology.

The Job Placement Accelerators include:

✅ Job placement spreadsheet with a complete

checklist you need to follow to land your dream job

✅ Most recruiter-approved resume template

A list of 96 competitive skills you can add to your resume and LinkedIn profile to make them more VALUABLE to companies and give you a competitive EDGE over others (skills range from operational roles to managerial and leadership positions)

✅ Sniper Model Cover Letter template

Networking spreadsheet to help you identify the top 10 connections who can recommend you for a position at your dream company

Message templates for networking via LinkedIn or email to help you shorten the path to your dream job through a recommendation

And MUCH MORE that you’ll only discover once you join My Brave New Job!



These are exclusive tools and materials you’ll only find inside My Brave New Job, where we apply our methodology.

The Job Placement Accelerators include:

✅ Job placement spreadsheet with a complete

checklist you need to follow to land your dream job

✅ Most recruiter-approved resume template

A list of 96 competitive skills you can add to your resume and LinkedIn profile to make them more VALUABLE to companies and give you a competitive EDGE over others (skills range from operational roles to managerial and leadership positions)

✅ Sniper Model Cover Letter template

Networking spreadsheet to help you identify the top 10 connections who can recommend you for a position at your dream company

Message templates for networking via LinkedIn or email to help you shorten the path to your dream job through a recommendation

And MUCH MORE that you’ll only discover once you join My Brave New Job!

You’ll have immediate access to the bonuses as soon as you sign up for My Brave New Job today!

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

My Brave New Job Is Different!

It’s the only one with the Sniper® Job Placement Strategy.

There are two types of professionals when it comes to approaching job application processes.

The first is the soldier.

The soldier shoots in all directions, meaning they apply to tons of jobs without standing out much from their competitors, which leads to minimal results when looking for a new job.

The second is the Sniper.

The difference between a soldier and a sniper…

Is that the sniper operates with far more strategy, taking fewer but more accurate shots, with a higher chance of hitting even the toughest targets.

You can land a great job with less effort than it takes to land a bad one. Which one do you prefer?

While everyone else is scrambling for bad jobs, you’ll be positioning yourself strategically, taking fewer shots, but hitting the targets—the best jobs.

The good news is that all snipers are trained, and in My Brave New Job, you will be trained by me and my team to land the BEST job of your life.

So, are you excited?! If so, NOW is the time to act!

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

How long will this NEW YEAR offer

be available?

My advice: click the button below and join My Brave New Job now at a LOW price!

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

I’ll be honest with you…

This offer can close at any moment; we have only a few spots available with this special condition and only for people who are already familiar with My Brave New Job.

Our priority is to deliver QUALITY service, not to sell A LOT.

As soon as Rodrigo (you’ll meet him when you join the training), our job placement specialist, informs me that all our extra slots for Resume and LinkedIn Reviews are filled, this page will automatically close.

It could be today… Tomorrow… Next week…

I don’t know, but what I do know is that I honor the commitment I made to my internal team. We even hired new people to handle this demand…

So, once it’s gone, it’s gone…

You’ll still be able to purchase later, but it will be more EXPENSIVE, and you won’t get all the AMAZING BONUSES that are available ONLY during this Special condition.

Is there a GUARANTEE?

Of course…

I guarantee that if you watch all the classes and implement what you learn, you will notice improvements in your positioning in just a few days, and you’ll feel much more confident. After receiving our Resume and LinkedIn analysis, you will see how amazing they will look.

If for any reason you feel that all these improvements won’t help you land your dream job, you can email our support team within 7 days and receive a full refund

of $57.

Oh, and you can keep all the materials you downloaded and our Resume and LinkedIn review.

It's that simple.

But if you’re like most people, this experience will transform your professional career (and for some of you, it will change your life!)

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

What to do now…

From here, it's just about finalizing the details. Click the button below, sign up, and then we can finally get started!

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and watch the video, and I look forward to receiving your testimonial about landing your dream job!

Marco Enes

P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who jumps straight to the end of the letter, here’s the summary:

When you sign up for My Brave New Job today (for just $57), I will give you a complete Resume and LinkedIn review, the Job Placement Accelerators (tools that serve as a step-by-step guide to landing your DREAM JOB)...

Oh, and if for any crazy reason you don't like My Brave New Job — just email us, and we'll refund your $57.

Sounds fair? So, what are you waiting for!?! Join My Brave New Job today!

Here is a summary of

EVERYTHING you will receive FOR FREE

When you join My Brave New Job today!

For Only $57

✅Complete My Brave New Job training with updated job placement strategies (value $97)

✅Top 30 resumes from those who secured jobs with it (priceless)

✅The most approved resume template by recruiters - tested by over 20,000 candidates (value $17)

✅Receive our Ebook with the entire Sniper® Strategy with practical exercises (value $57)

✅Ebook with +63 Chat GPT commands for artificial intelligence to write the perfect resume and LinkedIn for you (value $17)

✅Individual email support for 90 days (priceless)

✅Bonus: Complete personalized Resume and LinkedIn review done by a real HR specialist (value $97)

✅Bonus: Job Placement Accelerators - tools to assist you at every step in your job search (value $57)

Total value: $342

This OPPORTUNITY is available TODAY ONLY with a 40% DISCOUNT and these AMAZING Bonuses.

Your professional fulfillment is just ONE JOB AWAY, and I can help you achieve it faster because I've already helped over 2,000

people worldwide land their dream jobs. (I stopped counting when it hit 2000)

Will you accept my help and that of my team of job placement specialists?

(Have everything you need to land your dream job - Including Full Resume and LinkedIn Review for just $57 today!)

✅Full Training ✅Immediate Access

✅Exclusive Support from Job Placement Experts

Lucas secured a job abroad, earning more and working less.

Our re-employed professionals say...

Marcelo found a new job easily even though he was over 40 years old.

Daniel found a new job after 12 years with the same company.

Daniela was dissatisfied with her job and landed a better one.

Urgelmar moved to a new city in search of a more promising career.

Fernanda received a 20% raise at an excellent company.

Viviane overcame her shyness in the interview and was hired at the first opportunity.

Guilherme achieved a 30% higher salary even with limited experience.

Luiz changed just one strategy and received 3 job offers.

João didn't have the required experience but was hired.

Lilian used advice she couldn’t find anywhere else on the Internet.

Bruno gained self-confidence to get hired.

Wellington learned how to succeed in job interviews even while being shy.

Bruno secured a job at a large company.

Sandra was working as a freelancer before the course and landed a formal job.

Henrique received a recommendation for the course from his cousin and successfully found a new job.

Absolutely. You just need a bit of dedication and willingness. Each stage of the method includes detailed instructions and examples, so you will know exactly what to do. You shouldn't have any trouble applying everything taught. And at any time, you can ask for help from our team of specialists.


Absolutely! Our method is designed for professionals of any age, and we show you how to leverage your experience as an advantage in the market to navigate age factors in the selection process.


You will have full access to the training for a period of 12 months. The entire strategy is unlocked immediately after payment confirmation. The bonuses will be unlocked after the guarantee period ends.


If you don't like the training, simply send an email to support within 7 days of enrollment, and we will refund you all your money, down to the last cent. It’s important to remember that the payment in up to 12 installments is not a subscription; it’s a payment plan for the course. Installments cannot be canceled after the guarantee period.


Our customer support team is available via email to address all your questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

While undergoing the training, you will have the support of our team of HR professionals throughout the access period. You can clarify any doubts related to the training, your resume, and the selection processes. This support alone can provide you with the competitive edge you need to secure the positions.


No! All the lessons are in video format. You can watch the material anywhere, anytime, and as many times as you like. So you don’t need to worry about that. There are 10 hours of videos, and you can complete the training at your own pace, regardless of where you are, as everything is 100% online. It works on both smartphones and computers.


Yes! We have included specific classes for these situations, with practical examples to help you stand out even with little experience and make companies take a chance on you.


We have students from administrative, healthcare, laboratory, legal, engineering, IT, commercial and sales, human resources, financial, accounting, educational, logistics, psychological, marketing, industrial, retail, security, medical, geographical, secretarial, pharmaceutical, insurance, architecture, communication, chemical, interior design, mining, library science, and other fields.


Yes, an invoice is issued, and you can request it via email.


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